Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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Documentation For Job Cost Version 1.5
This Version 1.5 of the Job Cost Program is a great improvement
over the previous Version 1.0. This is a full Working program that
works real well. I have not tested it under a variety of different
computer setups so if it will preform correctly on your setup I don't
know. Now I want to say some of these files are not 100 % compatible
with the files of Version 1.0. This updated Version is 100% compatible
with the JobPay program that integrates with this program. You will
have to enter all of your default information in this programs before
you get started. This program will keep track of labor and material
expence on jobs. It is designed for the small to medium contractor
although is should work for a large company too. Note at the end of
this Documentation there I have all the features that are on the
Registered Version of this Product.
Read The Readme1 file on the Disk. It will tell you how to set up your
Table of Contents
File Menu
1. Company Id
2. Backup Files
3. Restore Files
4. Shell To Dos
5. Quit Program
6. Print Regist.Form
Edit Menu
1. Inventory Products
2. Customers
3. Employees
4. Workmans Compensation
5. Mark Up Codes
6. Vendors
7. Service Codes
Transaction Menu
1. Inventory Products
2. Labor Expense
3. Material Expense
4. Customer Receipts
5. Vendor Payments
6. Purchase Orders
7. Invoicing Module
Next Numbers
1. Invoice Numbers
2. Purchase Numbers
3. Customer Receipts Numbers
4. Payables Numbers
Reports Menu
1. Customer listing
2. Employee Listing
3. Labor Expense
4. Material Expense
5. Product Listing
6. Mark Up Codes
7. Workmans Comp Report
Files Menu
1. Company Id is a file where you enter your company information Name
address Phone number and then when the program needs to access this
information such as printing your company name on the Invoices and
the purchase orders.
2. Backup Data File is a Feature that is built into the program just go
and Highlight the Backup Files and Hit Enter and the program will
prompt you to insert a disk in drive A to backup your files in you
program. Although it used your dos backup command which will have to be
in your path statement in your Autoexec.bat file. This will help you so
you don't have to go to the dos prompt and type backup c:\jctpl\*.* a:
I recommend backing up your Data Files At least once a week.
3. Restore Data Files is just like backup only it is to restore your
Data Files in case you lose them for some unknown reason.
4. Shell to Dos is a feature that allowes you to shell out of your
program to look at a directory or run other dos commands.
5. Quit program does exactly what it says it will exit the program.
6. Print Regist.Form Prints the registeration form after which when you
register you will receive more detailed Manual Documentation on each
feature and how it operates and the files it relates to. You will also
receive free telephone support. You will receive a registeration number
which you will be required to tell when you need support just to verify
you are a registered user of the program. You also will be informed of
future additions and modifications to the programs, and future updates.
We would also invite your sugestions to additional features or
modifications to the program.
Edit Menu
1. Products entry is where you will enter the products that you would
wish to bill out of inventory and keep track of. Although you don't
have to use the inventory module if you don't want to. You will enter
all the information about the product such as price , selling
information such as selling price quanity ea or doz for example. You
will also enter your starting quanity for this item and the program
will figure your onhand dollars of Item. This file is also used to keep
a running total of items so you will not be able to sell 10 items if
you only have 5. The Module inventory products ties in with this module
so when you receive products you enter them in that file and it posts
to this file. You will need to register this program to be able to keep
totals on your inventory . Although both of these files work they just
need to be activated to keep the totals.This is a Very Powerful
programs for tracking Job Costs.
2. Customers Entry File is where you enter the information of your
customers such as name address phone credit limit and soforth. You will
not be able to bill out a invoice if you first don't have you customers
in the file.
3. Employee File is where you enter the information for each employee
such as name address phone pay rate and so on. The other files that
track the Labor Expense of the job access this file to get employee
name and pay rate so it can compute the wages for employee. You will
have to have your employees entered in the file before you will be able
to enter any Labor Expense on any Jobs. Also the payroll program that
integrates with this program accesss this file to get the time for the
employee and pay rate and it will compute the wages and all the
withholding taxes and print the payroll checks.
4. Workmans Compensation File is where you will enter the different
rates for workmans compensation insurance. You will need to develope a
code system for entering each item with a different code because the
program will not let you enter a code twice in the same file. If you
are one of those that pays workmans comp you will enjoy this feature
because it will give you a report on what each employee is making and
what they are costing you with the workmans comp.
5. Mark up Codes File is a little feature I put in here so you can add
a percentage on to all the material and labor that goes into a job for
the overhead. You don't have to use this file but for example say you
used a code of 5 to add .05 to all the material and labor for a job say
the job total was 5,000.00 the programs would have added 250.00 for
your overhead.
6. Service Codes File is for the service man who say preforms services
of like nature that he would have the same price on . For example here
in Louisana it is a big buisiness for exterminaters to come spray your
house for insects once a month. They charge a monthly fee for this .Say
they could set up a service code for this and then at the end of the
month they would just need to print the invoices and send them out.
7. Inventory Products is where you will enter each time you receive and
products. And the program will post them to the appropiate files.This
file will also keep track of your charges that you owe to your vendors
where you buy your material.
Transaction Menu
1. Labor Expense File is where you will enter the labor for each
employee on each job the programs will then keep track of the labore
expense for each employee for each job. You can also use the markup
file in the screen and the program will calculate the percentate of
markup that you have entered.
2. Material Expense File is where you will enter all the material that
you put into a job and the programs will keep track of all charges .You
can also use the markup file in this screen to calculate a percentate
for your overhead costs. The program wil give you a detailed report on
each entry you have for each job and calculate the total for it so you
can see if you are comming out on what you had figured for the job.
3. Customer Receipts is a added feature of the old version. This file
is for customers that buy from you or you do work for and they charge
there bill for the time being. You will enter the customer code in the
customer code field. Then enter date and enter how much they paid you.
The program then goes out in the invoice file and picks up all unpaid
invoices that match that customer. They are then displayed on the
bottom portion of the screen and you can enter the invoices where you
are appling the payment to . You have two more fields under the amount
they paid you which on is applied this field will change as you enter
the amounts credited to the invoices. the bottom field will be left to
apply . Which when it is = 0 you have no more to apply. The program
will also calculate the amount left on the invoices to pay. This
feature is like the one on the payables, and inventory you will have to
register to get the account tracking and balance keeping features
otherwise the files work just like they are supposed to only they just
don't save the information to disk. Other wise this is a full working
4. Payments is just like the Customer Receipts module above only it
will keep track of all money the you owe to your Vendors. It will also
bring up the Invoice and amounts just like the Customer Receipts module
only it will not save to disk the information. When you register you
will receive these features.
5. Purchase Orders will generate Purchase order and print then out
This file is not tied into the product file so you don't have to worry
about putting in a product number, many times these are items that are
special order and not a stock Item anyway. This Shareware version is
set up to print out the purchase orders on plain paper. On the
registered version you will have the option of printing on plain paper
or printing on forms. The programs is presently formated to nebs forms
which you can order directly from them.
6. Invoices like purchase orders is set up on this shareware version
to print out on plain paper On the registered version you have the
option of printing them out on plain paper or on preprinted form from
mebs. This module you will enter a customer code and the program will
go get the customer name address and soforth. When you get to enter
products you will enter a product code and if the product code is not
is the datafile then you will get a dialog box the will state the
product code is not in the inventory file and it will ask you if you
want to invoice a non stock item and will have a yes or a no. If you
hit enter while the cursor is on yes then the program will accept the
code you entered even though it is not in the inventory file. If you
tab over to No and hit enter it will go back to the code field and wait
for you to enter another code.I thought it would be nice to have this
feature in the program so you could still invoice out a item even if
you did not have it in the database. When you get ready to print out
the invoice tab down to the Print box or you can hit F10 or you can use
your mouse put your mouse cursor on the print and hit the first mouse
button and the Invoice will print out and it also saves the Invoice to
the disk. You can also save the invoice by hitting F3 or using your
mouse and it will save the invoice without printing it out. You can use
this way if you want to print out invoices at the end of the month.
The Registered Version will also let you invoice out of the Labor
Expense File and the Material Expense Files. Say you want to Invoice
your customers once a week or once every two weeks. You will enter a
code in the product field and it will go to the Labor File and pick out
every transaction not flagged as Invoiced. And it will go into the
Material File and Pick out the Invoices not flagged as Invoiced. This
will save you the time of going into the other Files and printing out
the report and then entering the transaction in the Invoicing Module.
Then the programs once it has went and got the Information out of the
Labor File and Material File and you print the Invoice It will go to
the labor file and material file and flag them as Invoiced. The next
time you Create a Invoice for this Customer and you get Information
out of these files the program will skip over the flagged files.
Next Numbers Menu
1. You can change the starting Invoice number to what you want to or
if the program won't take a number that the program tries to give it
then you can go into this file and change the number up one or so
because the programs won't let you give two Invoices the same number.
The program will give sequence the number up one from the last number.
2. You can change the starting Purchase Order Number to what you want
or like the Invoice file if the program won't take the number the
program tried to give it then just change the number up one in this
file. The program will give the next number always one more than the
last one.
3. You can can change the starting Customer Receipts numbers to what
you want to start with or if the program won't take the number the
program tries to give it then just change the number up one in this
file. The program will give the next number always one more than the
last one.
4. You can change the starting Payables Number to what you want to
start with or if the program won't take the number the program tries to
give it then just change the number up one in this file. The program
will give the next number always one more than the last on one.
Report Menu
1. Customer Listing report will print you a complete customer listing
report from the DataBase File. On the registered version it will also
sort the customer list. Just highlight the customer listing and hit
enter you will get a little dialog box come up and ask you if your
printer is ready to print and you will have a yes and no option if you
hit yes then the report will go on out to the printer. If you decided
not to run the report or your printer wasn't ready tab over to no and
hit enter and the program will return to the main menu.
2. Employee Listing will report on each employee in the database
printing the employee name address phone number and pay rate. Just
arrow over to the report menu go down to the Employee Listing and press
enter . You will get a dialog box asking if your printer is ready to
print yes or no Hit enter on the yes box and the report will go to the
printer. If you decide not to print or printer is not ready tab to no
and hit enter and program will return to the main menu.
3. Labor Expense will give a listing by job of the labor entries in the
labor expense file. Go to the report menu go down to the Labor Expense
and hit enter. You will get a dialog box asking for a little
information before running the report. You will enter the Job Code for
the Job which is the Customer number you entered into the Labor entry
screen. In this file I will refer to this as the Job code. Then you
will enter the starting date you want the report run from and you will
enter the ending date for the Report. The cursor will be on the process
box hit enter and you will get another dialog box pop up asking if your
printer is ready. Hit enter on the Yes box and the Report will go to
the printer. If you tab to the no box and Hit enter the program will
return to the main menu. Also on this report it will calculate two
totals on the report One for the employees wages and one for the
employees wages plus the markup expense.
4. Material Expense will give a listing by job of the Material entries
in the material expense file. Go to the report menu go down to the
material expense and hit enter. You will get a dialog box asking for a
little information before running the report. You will need to enter
the Job Code for the Job you want to run report on. The Job code is the
same code as you entered in the customer field in the material expense
file. In this report I refer to this code as the Job Code. Then you
will enter the starting date for the report you want to run and then
enter the ending date for report. The program will go and get each
transaction entry that falls between these two dates. The cursor will
go to the process box hit enter and another dialog box will come up on
the screen and ask if your printer is ready to print. Hit enter while
cursor is on the yes box and report will be processed and printed. Tab
over to no and program will return to the main menu. This report also
will calulate totals for material without markup and also material with
markup prices.
5. Product Listing Will give a report on the inventory file of all
products that you have entered in the inventory file. The report will
give a listing of the product code ,product description,cost of item,
sale price of item, how many you have on hand , and the onhand dollars
of each item. The program also calculates a total dollars figure of all
products in the inventory file. Go to the report menu go down to
product listing and hit enter. You will get a dialog box come up asking
if your printer is ready to print. Hit enter while cursor is on the yes
box and the report will be generated and printed. Tab over to no and
hit enter and program will return to the main menu.
6. Markup Rates report will give a report listing of all the markup
rates you have entered in the markup file. The report will have markup
code and the Rate of markup. Go to the report menu go down to the
markup rates and hit enter You will get a dialog box asking you if your
printer is ready to print. Hit enter on the yes box and the report will
be generated and printed. Tab over to no and the program will return to
the main menu.
7. Workmans Comp Rates listing will report on the workmans comp file It
will printout the workman code , the description of work, rate of work.
Go to the report menu go down to the Workmans Comp and hit enter you
will get a dialog box asking if the printer is ready. Hit enter on the
yes box and report will be generated. Tab over to no and program will
return to the main menu.
<< Posting Menu >>
Notice The posting Feature is not in this Version Because I have the
converted the program to put the appropiate entry in each File and the
information is enter and saved to disk. This way if you write a Invoice
for come cabinet hinges and you only have 25 pair. If you invoice out
15 pair your file if you had to post still would show 25 pair till this
entry was posted. The way I have handled it now is When you bill out 15
pair The file will only show 10 pair left. I have found out this is a
more accurate way to handle this. But you will have to register to get
the inventory tracking feature.Even though the file will work just
right the way it is it just don't take of inventory when you invoice
Function Keys
F1. Calls up a little Help Message concerning what you are attemtping
to do.
F2. F2 will clear all field on the screen and set the screen for input
of records. If the screen has some information on it the program will
ask you if you want to save the record before it clears the fields.Hit
enter on the yes box and the program will save the record. Tab over to
no and hit enter and the program will clear all fields and set the
screen to accept another record input.
F3. Will save the current record on the screen and clear the fields
and initilize the screen to accept another record input. The record
will be save at the end of the file. Unless You have called up a
previous record and changed some information in it and the hit F3 and
the program will save the revised record at the same location
overwriting the old one.
F4. Will call up a little dialog box the will ask you to input a record
number of the record you want to call up. Enter the record number in
the box and hit enter and it will retrieve that record.
F5. Will up a pop up calculator that I thought would be nice so if you
need to figure somthing right fast you have a built in calculator. When
you get done with you calcuations just hit ESC and the calculator will
disappear and you can resume with your entry.
F10. In the Invoiceing Module and the Purchase Order Module F10 and the
process box are the same this will process the Invoice or the Purchase
Order and it will also save the record to disk and clear the screen to
get ready for the next entry.
ESC. Will always get you out of a screen and back to the main menu
although if your menu bar is still highlighted a choice and you hit esc
it will call the screen back up.
<<< Features That are with the Registered Version >>>
1. The opening Screen is Changed in that it does not have the Shareware
version on it. It will have your Registration Number on it. It will not
have the Print Registeration on the Pulldown Menus. On the report menu
it will have 3 more items on it .
1. Accounts Aging Report
Which will give you a report on the status of the accounts in the
database which customers owe what and how long the have owed it for.
2. Accounts Payable Report will show what Vendors and the Invoices that
are due by due date and will show how much account balance is and for
how long.
3. The ability to print Monthly Statements for the contractors that
send out monthly statements.
The accounts tracking feature of the program will work in keeping track
of the accounts and how much customers owe. For example you go into the
accounts receivable file and you want to enter a check that the
customer gives you You enter the customer code and the program brings
up the amount Lets say the customer pays you 1000.00 dollars and he has
three invoices one for 250.00 and one for 500.00 and another one for
400.00 these invoices will come up on the screen and you will go to
the first one and apply 250.00 the to apply field will now show 750.00
left to apply we will go to the 500.00 invoice and enter 500.00 applied
to this invoice. the left to apply field will now show 250.00 left to
apply .But we have a invoice yet for 400.00 We will mark 250.00 paid on
that invoice because that is all we have left to apply. That will leave
a balance of 150.00 on this invoice. Well the program will mark all
invoices that have 0.00 balance paid so the next time this customer
pays you and you bring up his account it will just pick up the 400.00
invoice and it will show a balance of 150.00 left on it.That just about
sums it up. The accounts payable module works the same way only it is
working with the accounts you owe you vendors. But on this ShareWare
Version this feature is not active You can go into the file and it will
pull up the invoices so you can see how it works but it will not mark
them paid so it won't pull them up again. Also with the registered
version you have the choice to print invoices and statements on
preprinted forms.
You will also receive a nice manual that will explain in detail each
function of the program.
Price for the Job Cost Program is 99.99 + 8.00 shipping
Price for the Payroll Program is 199.99 + 8.00 shipping
Price for Both Programs will be if bought together as one package
235.00 + 8.00 shipping. Seperate Prices would be 299.98 + 8.00
To Register just go to the File menu and go down to the Register
Program menu and hit enter. You will get a screen that you fill in your
name and address specify which program you want and what disk size you
want. When you have filled in the blanks hit enter on Print
Registeration Form and it will print out.
Send To:
BayouSoft Software
Errol Unruh
Rt 2 box 125
DeRidder, La. 70634
Without Registered Users we would not be able to upgrade or produce new
We also will customize this program for your very need if you would
want some features changed or add new ones to it. Just describe the
best you can on paper and mail to use and we will give you a quote on
the changes. We also welcome feedback from our users as to what we
could add to the program to make it more useful.
Thank You For Your Support
Sincerly ,
Errol Unruh
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